
Site history

August 10. A new home on a roomy linux server was donated by Keith Dickinson.
August 11. Links to strips and art now work. No 27 colored by Jason Fairfield.
August 13. The strip pages have now reached present time. + some fixes here&there.
August 15. Strip index page fixed.
September 1. The guideline page about coloring is now done.
September 7. 4 new strips added.
October 4:th. 4 New strips added , and strip number 7 colored by Kerin Scheisser
October 9:th Strip no 75 colored by Matthew Ford.
October 12:th Strip no 74 colored by Matthew Ford.
October 31:th Strip no 73 colored by Matthew Ford.
November 5:th Six new strips added.
November 25:th Strip 160 Colored by Brent Bowser
December 5:th. Back to surface! The index file had mysteriously shrunk to 0 byte. Weird. But now it's back!
December 8:th. 4 new strips.

February 17:th. After some delay the strips from january and february are here. Gimme another two months and the christmas decorations will be gone too..
March 12:th. Wooo I'm lazy, but here are the four latest strips..
Christmas decorations are gone!

April 20:th Three strips for April is now here. Better late than never.
Got a mail from Keith Dickinson (the guy who owns this server), : -"I've got someone to colorize strips for you and this guy ROCKS!!!!" Stay tuned!
April 21:st Strip index page updated as well.
April 22:nd Strip 175 colored by Joe Turtle.
April 22:nd Strip 177 colored by Joe Turtle. It's a REALLY good work!
May 13:th. This months strips added.
June 1:st. Link added to Luke Jonavic's Wulf chronicles: Dimension.
June 5:th. Lots of broken links to big version of the colored strips fixed:
6 fixed  colored
10 fixed colored
27 fixed b/w
28 fixed colored
49 fixed colored
51 fixed b/w
53  fixed b/w
55 fixed colored
75 fixed b/w
96 fixed b/w
102 fixed colored
103 fixed colored
105 -"-
106 -"-
107 -"-
108 -"-
109 -"-    
115 fixed b/w
117 fixed b/w
118 fixed b/w
124 fixed b/w
125 fixed b/w
August 3:rd. Added strips for June and July. 191-195 colored by Mike Grant.

August 13:th. Added colored strips 185-190 colored by Mike Grant.
September 2:nd. Huge color update: All X-mas strips,13,66,137-149,174,176,178-184 colored by Mike Grant (This is a great job! He's been sending me 2-3 strips almost everyay. Hats off for Mike!)
September 3:rd Strips for the last two months added. 196-199 Colored by Mike.
October 7:th. Strip 12-15,17,19,20,23-26,30-31,38,44,170-173,201-202 colored by Mike Grant. Alternate version of strip 202 colored by "Hope(N Forever)"
November 10:th. Links to the moviesetter archives fixed.
November 7:th. Strips for October & November added. 203-206 colored by Mike Grant.
October 28:th. Link to strip 134 fixed.

January 31: Phew! After a long break, I'm finally at it again. I've bought myself a new house, so I've been doing a zillion other things than maintaining this site.. I hope you all will excuse me..
Colored strips added: 33,36 ,56-60, 80,81,98, 203-209. All by Mike Grant!
More will come!