Why all this? I'm always been a big comic fan, so why not setting up a web page about comics? The tricky part was; I can't draw myself so I had to use somebody elses work.(How nice of me) Almost all better comics are copyrighted to either their owner or to a mighty syndicate which absolutely don't like if you put up "their" strips on "your" page. I'm pretty sure the syndicates hire people to sniff up "forbidden" sites. The solution was to find a comic that wasn't copyrighted, or lets say "freeware". There are lots of them on the web (just visit webcomics.com),but none of them were in my taste. In autumn 1996 I stumbled over "Sabrina Online" in my favorite (and only) Amiga mag AmigaInfo. A nice comic, very well drawn and with its own style. Mike Grant. Has colored many strips in good quality and high speed. Examples: 137-149 Diederik van der Heyden. Uses TVPaint on his Amiga. Examples: 101-108 "Grosse". Really goes for quality! Examples: 113-125 Jeff Leadbeater. Has colored quite many. Examples 89 Dave Koers. Visit his homepage Here! Clinton Howard. Examples: 55 Jason Fairfield. Examples 27 Kerin Scheisser Examples 7 Matthew Ford Examples 75 Be well! |