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Oh. the strips, yeah, that's probably the reason why you're here..
Well well, as some of you people have noticed, the strips are getting more and more colorful. But there are still many black and white ones left.
So if you have nothing better to do, add some color to a strip and send it to me.
Now we have plenty of web space, so "keep'em comin'".
We're a couple of months behind, but we're working on it when there's time.
Some guidelines about coloring can be found here.
Any bug reports/broken links/errors can be mailed to me. Click the arrow to the right to go to the strips.

Sabrina Online - year one is a comic book released by Eric through United Publications in Britain. It contains all Sabrina strips from the first year and until now unreleased art by Eric and other talented artists.
Thay can be obtained from United Publications or at ES Productions.
Sabrina Online - year two is out there too. Go get it! |
Sabrina at see-CAD is the forerunner to "Sabrina Online. It's a small comic book that can be obtained from the ES Productions. It contains 21 strips and a sunday page from Erics senior year at college. The strips are all art college related, but
the gags are in fact in a much higher class than in its sequel. A must have for every comic freak.
