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Links to a few comic sites on the web.
If you are interested in comics, I suggest you to read this page about The ideal comics syndicate. That syndicate doesn't exist, because the syndicates in our times behaves more or less like gods, telling the author how and what to draw. Of course they keep most of the money too..
A brilliant example of a comic that doesn't belong to any syndicate is "The Swamp" by Gary Clark from Brisbane Australia. (Thanks to James E baker for the link)
Gary's wife (forgot her name,sorry) sells her husbands comic to newspapers
and comic magazines all over the world. This means they have the full control and rights over the comic.
I don't know how big that comic is, but it's not small anymore.
The internet is a great media for comics. It costs almost nothing
to publish it, it can be reached by readers all over the world lightning fast and it doesn't cost them anything to read.
"Advertising" will be self-generated, people who likes the comic will put links to it, and therefore more and more people will read it.
Sooner or later (hopefully?) the comic's populatity will be so big that
syndicates and newspapers will be interested. Then the comic author finally can make some money on his work, if he/she wants ,of course.

Links to various syndicates.
United Media
There you can find..
THE comic strip. By Charles M Schulz. It was the biggest comic strip in the world, appeared in over 2500 newspapers.
If you miss peanuts..
..please go here. Very nice page.
By Jim Meddick
By Scott Adams. Dilbert is the fastest growing comic strip in newspapers, appearing
in more than 1,400 papers worldwide.
By by Guy and Brad Gilchrist. The Jerry Scott version was better. ;-)
by Gary Delainey and Gerry Rasmussen. Very good.
The Buckets
By Scott Stantis. A family of the 90's
Universal Express
There you can find..
Calvin & Hobbes
By Bill Wattersson. The first two years of C&H were absolutely brilliant.
Close to home
By John MacPherson. Great gags, not-so-good drawings.
By Bill Amend
By Jim Davis. He was also the author of "US acres"
By Tim Martin
King Features
The biggest syndicate.
Beetle Bailey
By Mort Addison Walker
By Dean Young and Denis Lebrun
Boner's ark
By Frank Johnson
Hägar the horrible
By Chris Browne. Dik's version was much better..
Hi and Lois
Written by Greg & Brian Walker.Drawn by Chance Browne.
By Bill Yates & Mel Casson. This version sucks compared to Gordon Bess'.
Sam & Silo
By Jerry Dumas. Anyone remember "Sam's strip"?
By Bud Blake.
Links to various stand-alone sites